Longtown Community Primary School

Longtown Community Primary School


Class  3

On return to school please bring all completed work with you. 

If you have any questions regarding home learning then please contact the school office. 

Each day please complete English (Spellings, Reading and two of either VIPERS or Grammar) and Maths daily and choose one other lesson from Science or Geography each day. 


Please click on the work listed in the table below to open the link to the work set.


Practice Weekly Spellings

 Book 3     Book 4

Read your home reading book for at least 15mins each day and update your reading scrapbook.
Grammar Natural Curriculum Year 3 Grammar Natural Curriculum Year 4

Grammar Oak Academy

VIPERS Reading Comprehension

Times tables - continue to practice using TTRS or Hit the Button

Y4 Multiplication Times Table Check Mathsframe















Developing Experts

Log in using the name and code sent via email. 

Rocks - Describe how mountains are formed. 

Developing Experts

Log in using the name and code sent via email. 

Nature and the Environment - Know about the balance of Nature. 

Oak Academy - Choose ONE of the 'Building Locational Knowledge' units