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Information for Parents
Annual Calendar
Useful Forms
Request to administer medication to a pupil
Hot Lunches
Our meals are ordered on a half-termly basis.
Meals can be booked using ParentPay
Do contact the office if you would like to place an order for your child.
Allergen information can be gained from the School Office
Children are normally admitted at the beginning of the term prior to their fifth birthday and parents are requested to register their children well in advance. Please contact Herefordshire Local Authority Admissions on 01432 260900. They can also advise on eligibility for free school transport.
Longtown applies the local authority admissions criteria, which is set out below. Children with a Statement of Special Education Need which names a particular school will be allocated places, after which places are allocated according to an agreed set of criteria, in strict order of priority. Full details about admissions can be found in the admissions booklet issued by the local authority which can be accessed here. The oversubscription criteria can be found HERE
Parent Views
We love to receive your feedback. If you have any concerns please do speak to your class teacher in the first instance who will either assist you or direct you to someone that can.
If you wish to make positive comments about our school, do take a moment to log on to the Ofsted website "Parent View" which can be accessed HERE
Community Links
(If you have a community link that you'd like to see here - please get in touch)